Parish News 

Keep Calm and carry on    

As we travel through these difficult times we have set up this area of our web site as an area where we can share information and stories to help us to get through to the other side of this current situation.

Any updates on Masses will be shown here.  Any links to other useful web pages will be shown here.  But, most importantly, this is an area where you can contribute.  Do you have anything to share with our church community?  Are you in need of any help and support?  Please contact us if there's anything we can do.

There will be a list below of headings of the areas covered - and these will be updated by your messages - click on the relevant text to be taken to the relevant page.

Live streamed Mass from St Richard's

Fr Mike will be live streaming Mass from St Richard's from Sunday 26th April at 10:30am through the Parish Facebook page - log into Facebook and search "St Richards Skelmersdale"

Sunday Mass from the Cathedral

Sunday Mass from the Cathedral at is live streamed at 11:00am:-


SVP - Contact details


How to curb any anxiety you may have

An article from The Independent newspaper.


Daily Masses - live streamed from the Isle of Man

Times of Masses live streamed from 21 March 2020
Saturday evening at 5pm
Sunday at 11am
Monday to Friday at 12.10pm
(follow the "live stream" button)

Live streaming - Masses and Prayers

There are other live streams of Masses, Rosary etc.  They will be listed here - just click on the relevant link and you will be redirected to the site.  In these quick moving times I haven't put any dates or times for most of these live streams as they may change daily. 

Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King
Live stream at 9.00 am at

A recording will be available from 11.00 am at:
St Gregory, Chorley

St Mary of the Isle, Douglas, Isle of Man

St Monica, Bootle

St Teresa, Penwortham

Spiritual Resources

This page from The Tablet is useful in directing you to dozens of live streams and other resources.


General Information

The NHS and The Government have the following information about the virus:-

A Government pamphlet on guidance for mental health and wellbeing is available HERE. 

Keeping fit

The NHS has a number of useful keep fit exercises:-


During the "lock down" it is important to make sure we all eat and drink properly.  This link is from Age UK for those of us who are a little beyond the first flushes of youth.


Mental Heath

Good advice on "keeping clam and carrying on" in these difficult times from the NHS, again, and The Mental Health Foundation.


Catholic Newspapers

Due to the Coronavirus, many UK Catholic Diocesan newspapers have now been placed on one website so parishioners can stay in contact with their Church and their community,  more papers expected to follow next week.

The website, contains over 600 editions of the following newspapers:

- A&B News

- Cardiff People

- Catholic East Anglia (East Anglia Diocese)

- Catholic South West

- Catholic Pic (Archdiocese of Liverpool)

- Hallam News

- Lancaster Voice

- Middlesbrough Voice

- Nottingham Catholic News

- The Pilgrim (Archdiocese of Southwark)

- The Vine (Northampton Diocese)

- UCM News (Union of Catholic Mothers)

- Reach - Catholic Schools Paper

Alan Horridge, 20/03/2020

Quote 003