Parish News 

The Liverpool Archdiocese Annual Pilgrimage to Lourdes.

The Pilgrimage this year was from the 22nd to the 29th of July. There were at least four representatives from Skelmersdale. Marvellous to see the numbers of handicapped being so well looked after, lots of assistance from the “Friends of Liverpool airport” boarding the aircraft, then of course there were the musicians with all their equipment. With an acceptable delay we arrived in the wonderful atmosphere of Lourdes. The first two days the weather treated us well and we were able to fulfil our obligations in warm sunshine for instance Mass at the Grotto is a very pleasant experience, unfortunately the next four days it rained day and night which is no great problem for the able but those in wheelchairs and voiture’s it looked most uncomfortable, but wherever you looked there were big smiles all round as all were pushed and pulled by the ever present yellow shirts of the Liverpool youth who ploughed on through all adversity to keep those smiles going. The final two days returned to bright sunshine again and we were all able to dry out, on the outside. It is so much better doing the torchlight procession on a nice dry evening. We returned feeling spiritually refreshed and looking forward to next time.


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