Parish News 

Synod 2020 – the next stage

Synod met on weekend of 12th-13th March 2021, when the recommendations distilled from over 25,000 responses across the Archdiocese, were published.

There are nineteen recommendations in total and from these, following further reflection and distillation, the key actions for the Archdiocesan strategic plan, will be identified.

Everybody has a part to play.

Over the next four weeks, the recommendations will be published on this website in related groups, and you are invited to read, reflect and respond, giving your rating of how important you feel they are to the future of the Archdiocese.

Please consider taking a short while to read them and send your responses. 

The Archdiocesan strategic plan will affect us all.  Let’s all then, give our voices to that plan.

Download the recommendations and guidance notes which you can print off and add your response:

All online responses should be returned by 21st May please.

Week 1   Recommendations  1-6                    

Week 2   Recommendations  7-10

Week 3   Recommendations  11-15

Week 4   Recommendations  16-19
See the latest update about the Synod’s progress


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