Parish News 

Summer Fayre - June 2016

On Sunday 12th June we held our Summer Fair in the orchard at St Richard’s.  It was a three-way celebration this year; a social get together of course but also the end of our parish 150th Jubilee and The Queen’s 90th birthday.

The weather wasn’t as kind as it could have been but spirits weren’t dampened. Music, games, a variety of stalls and our ‘Fair Café’ made it an afternoon for everybody.
Despite rather soggy music scores the Skelmersdale Brass Band gave us a super performance, the bakers of the parish provided a delicious range of goodies at the café, everything from books to toiletries, plants to knitted goods were available on the stalls. Traditional games such as hoopla, shove a ha’penny, crazy golf and more, provided fun for every age. There was a ‘Famous Richards’ quiz and we even had a visit from H.M. herself. At least it looked like her!
The highlight of the afternoon was the unveiling of our parish artwork as another lasting memorial to our 150th Jubilee. Over fifty members of our (three church) congregation had put their artistic daub to a ‘portrait’ of our patron saint St Richard.  Unveiled by our parish priest Fr Mike Thompson, the painting demonstrated how when working together, something very special can happen.  The painting has been hung in our St John Rigby Centre.

Our next fair is likely to be in late autumn; ideas and additional volunteers are always sought and welcomed.
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Jo Hooker, 30/06/2016

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