Parish News 

Ladyewell Pilgrimage.

On Saturday the 5th September we joined up with the Liverpool Archdiocese Annual Pilgrimage to Ladyewell. We started off with Mass at 12noon in St.Mary’s  Church, lead celebrant was Archbishop Malcolm assisted by several priests from different parts of the world, including our visiting Priest from India, Fr.Jesuraj, ofm cap, after Mass we met up outside the Church and in procession saying the rosary we made our way to the shrine. We then had a break sitting out on the lawns eating our sandwich’s and supplied with hot drinks by the ladies from the parish. Then at 3pm we had Benediction out in the open air Chapel and after that we strolled back down the lane to the car park to board our coaches after a wonderful afternoon.
Ladyewell 4 

George Fox, 28/09/2015

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