Parish News 

The Lourdes Association.

With great sadness the Skelmersdale Lourdes Association was wound up on Thursday 10th March 2016. After nearly 40 years of fund raising and sending people to Lourdes it was getting increasingly difficult to raise funds, as all charities will be aware of. Mass was held at St. Francis of Assisi Church for the Lourdes Association and their benefactors, celebrated by Fr. Philip Kehoe from St Teresa’s as our own Priest was ill. It was decided to dispose of remaining funds of £9,550.00 by presenting them to HCPT, which was done after the Mass for them to continue sending handicapped children to Lourdes each Easter as they do at present. The lady representing HCPT a teacher at one of our special schools brought several of the children to the Mass and presentation and judging by their happy faces they enjoyed being there too. It also was good for the people at the Mass to see where the funds were going.
Skelmersdale Lourdes Associati

George Fox, 29/03/2016

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