Parish News 

Christmas Fair 2018

What is Christmas without a Parish Christmas Fair?   Held on Sunday 2nd December 2018, the theme, apart from Christmas obviously, was ‘craft and home produce’.
Parishioners, family and friends, had donated home-made goods ranging from aprons to jams and chutneys, cushions to Christmas decorations. All excellent and of a quality that would grace any of the big commercial events held across the country.
We’re a talented lot!
There were also the ever popular chocolate and bottle tombola’s, and of course to keep focus on the ‘reason for the season’ a piety stall selling lovely cards, nativities, statues and other religious goods.
Refreshments were available throughout the afternoon, with a lull in all buying at one point, as concentration turned to bingo.
The weather during December can make days dull and miserable.  That might have been what was going on outside but at our Christmas Fair it was fun -and bargains- all the way!

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Jo Hooker, 07/04/2019

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