Parish News 

St. Richard of Chichester Skelmersdale

We can’t let the 150th Anniversary Celebrations go by without a mention here. The Church and grounds were decorated for the occasion and
On Friday 19th June 2015 the Parish celebrations started with a Mass presided over by Archbishop Malcolm McMahon and assisted by Bishop Vincent Malone along with priests who had served the parish in the past.   During the Mass there was the unveiling of two new stained glass windows made for the occasion. One in memory of St. Richard to commemorate the anniversary, the other donated by the High School in honour of Our Lady Queen of Peace, the school also provided the choir to assist in the Mass. After Mass, there was a buffet and socialising in the orchard which went off very well thanks to a group of volunteers who made it a great success.
Saturday 20th In the evening a social event was arranged in the Comrades Club based on the old time music hall. The event was really well supported and everybody did enjoy it.
Sunday 21st The weekend celebrations were rounded off in the afternoon with entertainment from the choir “Cantique” and a picnic in the orchard.
As mentioned elsewhere there was a photographer recording each part of the event and photographs can be obtained through their web site.

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George Fox, 14/07/2015

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