Parish News 

Holy Family Lay Associates
Pilgrimage to Martillac 

On the 30th June 2016 the Holy Family Lay Associates flew down to Bordeaux for their pilgrimage to the mother house of the Holy Family Sisters. A very special welcome from Sister Eileen,  who used to serve here in Skelmersdale. The visit enabled all to revisit the locality of the founder as he worked here and in the Bordeaux area. Set among vineyards it was a peaceful and very pleasant place to stay, the weather also did its’ best with beautiful sunny days to make it feel even better. A day was spent viewing Bordeaux and the places where the founder served. Next day was spent in Lourdes were a very pleasant day was spent. Mass was held in the chapel each day until the last day when it was held on the “Island”. A Manmade island with a chapel on it, but, a table was set up and Mass was held outdoors. Thursday the 7th July came, a sad day as it was time to leave and return home after a wonderful week. 
Group Photo

George Fox, 24/08/2016

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