Parish News 

Pilgrimage for the 8th of December

Theme “With Bernadette we pray the Our Father”

As the pilgrimage programme draws to a close for another year. Five people from the Parish left for Lourdes for the feast of the Immaculate Conception, two of our party being sent by the Skelmersdale Lourdes Association. We flew from Liverpool Airport on the 5th of December, to Carcassonne in the South of France with Mancunia travel, who took us for an hour’s excursion to the medieval city of Carcassonne for our lunch break before setting off for Lourdes.
After a damp start, the weather improved and we were able to do all the outdoor activities in comfort, including, for example, Mass at the Grotto on one morning. On the vigil of the Feast we had a torchlight procession which was very emotional especially for those who had not been before. Next day on our visit to Bartres it was almost spring like. For the Feast day we had a procession with all the people who had come as day pilgrims. We made a lot of new friends as well as meeting lots of old ones. We now look forward to next year.


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