Parish News 

The Liverpool Guild of St Stephen
Annual Pilgrimage to Lourdes
23rd – 29th October 2011

The Guild of St Stephen is primarily for Altar servers but as they go on their pilgrimage to Lourdes eight of us from St Francis of Assisi, two being Altar servers, took advantage and joined them. We first travelled to St Clare’s in Liverpool for Mass and after were treated to Tea and Toast before boarding our Coach, after picking up remaining passengers at Warrington Town Hall Gates we set off for our long journey with lots of entertainment, cups of tea and coffee to sustain us, trying to sleep was not very successful but looking forward to being in Lourdes keeps you going, arriving Monday afternoon. It was so good to be there. After a shower and a good sleep we were able to take part in all that was going on. Starting off each day with Mass at a different location. We managed to do the walk following the way of Bernadette, the Benediction in the underground Basilica, the Stations of the Cross, the fit did the high and the not so fit the new marble ones on the level and the torchlight procession, all this before it rained so the weather didn’t spoil anything. Friday afternoon we had lunch and said our farewells.





Alan Horridge, 04/11/2011

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