Parish News 

St. Richard’s Day Retreat at Pantasaph 

On Saturday the 11th July we went to St. David’s Monastery, Pantasaph in North Wales where we were made very welcome with Tea and biscuits on our arrival. We then had the opportunity to either walk the stations of the cross or stay for the rosary, some of us went up the hillside doing the stations and when we got back down it was just in time for outdoor Mass in the Padre Pio garden. We had company of groups from Kirby and Huyton who joined in with us. We were ably assisted with music from a lady with guitar all afternoon. After Mass we had our lunch break in the hall where again Tea and Coffee were made available. After lunch we then went into Church for Holy Hour and Divine Mercy devotions while three priests heard confessions. Then we processed out to the Padre Pio garden carrying the statue of Our Lady for Rosary and Benediction and crowning of the statues.  After which there was just time for another drink before boarding our coach for the return journey. With that the rain started. A very refreshing day for all.

Parish at Pantasaph 

George Fox, 18/07/2015

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