Parish News 

Walsingham 2017

Walsingham, Our first Parish Pilgrimage of this year.
On Friday 9th of June a wonderful sunny morning we set off from St. Francis and by lunch time we were in Grantham where we had a break. Then fully satisfied we continued to Walsingham arriving early afternoon. The changes we were expecting had not taken place so we were able to settle in and be ready for evening prayer led by Fr Thompson ( Fr. Mike ) our Parish Priest, then in to dinner.
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Next morning we had morning prayer before breakfast in the Annunciation chapel next door, then after breakfast there was an excursion to Sheringham for those who wanted to go, the rest were able to explore the village and its history. In the afternoon we had Mass in the Basilica said by  Fr. Thompson, a special occasion for him and us. Later on after dinner we had our evening prayer and torchlight procession followed by a session of bingo to entertain and raise funds for our charity. Sunday, after morning prayer we had breakfast and got ready for the walk of the holy mile to the basilica shrine. At midday we had Mass concelebrated by several Priests and attended by lots of visitors. “A very moving occasion”. Sadly after dinner we set off for home, with the entertainment of the raffle of course.
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George Fox, 03/07/2017

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