Parish Life 

Parish Council

For several years the Parish Forum was a successful vehicle for discussion and parish development. However after some reflection, it was felt that it did not fully represent the varied aspects of parish life and a more inclusive assembly would be appropriate.
Our Parish Council initiated in March 2014, was set up to develop the sense of community and the spirituality of the parish, and to support our joint mission of evangelisation throughout our local area and the wider world.
In practical terms it is simply about trying to continuously improve, so that individually and as a whole parish we make a positive, Christian based contribution to the world in which we live, and grow spiritually too.
The Council has a chairman, with the secretarial duties rotating. Our Parish Priest Fr Mike Thompson, attends as a member and the rest of the membership comprises representatives from each of our parish groups – See other pages in this section of our website.
The Council meets bi-monthly at the SJR Centre and anybody is welcome to attend as a non-participating observer.  Meeting dates are published in the parish newsletter, which is available on this website.
Messages and enquiries can be made through any of the Parish Groups, our email proforma or via the parish office.

Parish Council Meeting 13th January 2016
Matters Arising
Parish Hand Book             
 Still working on this;
Year of Mercy 
House masses have been arranged for each month until July, August-November not yet allocated.  These Masses will not replace Parish Masses,
Two Deaneries per month have been allocated time at the Cathedral by the Archdiocese, we are paired with Ormskirk, and our date will be Saturday October 15th.  There will be Mass and Confessions, more details of coaches etc., nearer the time.
  saying Year of Mercy prayer before Mass  (copies should be available from pastoral formation Team), Primary schools coming together for joint celebration similar to previous St Peter and Paul celebration but in Skelmersdale rather than Cathedral, (this could also coincide with end of 150th Jubilee events),
Youth worship       
A Service of Reconciliation for Young People has been produced by Archdiocese.
Put together a service for end of term or beginning of Lent.
Admin and Office equipment      
A new computer and laptop have been installed, remote working has been discussed but at moment getting to grips with working with Windows 10 is enough. 
Parish Plan            
Discussion around main theme “Evangelisation, with sub themes around Year of Mercy and Youth Worship. 
 Start work on Plan by end of Jan. Member of working group to email 1st meeting date to members of Parish Council.
Parish Retreat
 There has been talk of those who attended the retreat to have a short meeting get together maybe over breakfast.
 150th Jubilee 
 Plans are in place for end of Jubilee year.  Art work is being prepared, it probably won’t be necessary to re convene the 150th Committee as events need to be tied into the Social Committee.  Final date is Sunday 19th June. 
 End of Jubilee celebrations on Agenda for next meeting.
Skelmersdale Brass Band  
 Talks with them about concert in one of our churches probably St Richards or St Francis.
Parish Groups
Sacramental Programme              
There were 82 children on the programme this year. Reconciliation has taken place (11 children have not yet made it and letters have been sent to parents this week).  Presently working on Confirmation part of Programme, still uncertain when Communions will be, (April or June) so not sure how long programme will have to last. 
 Music for Christmas celebrations were successful, would love to see some involvement from schools next year.
Social Committee    
  They’ve not had 1st meeting of the year yet, but the Book Club has met already this year and there is a walk on Saturday.  Collection at end of Carol Concert in December for Women’s Refuge meant all children in Refuge had new pyjamas, dressing gown and slippers on Christmas morning. We will be discussing next “Fair” at next Social Meeting. 
 Put “Fair “on next Agenda so specific requests for help can be made to Parishioners before next Fair
Bereavement Group
 Remembrance mass took place at St. Richard’s Sunday 29th November at 6.30pm. Good attendance including lots of non-Catholics.  People found service beneficial. Lay Funeral Ministers and Bereavement group continue to attend in-service training run by Archdiocese.  
Inspection Report from Archdiocese has been received and was Outstanding.  The inspector commented that it was “the best Act of Collective Worship (they had) ever seen”. ‘Animate’ have held a Mission Week.  Year 11 pupils helped with the preparations and musicians and choir sang and played for the 40 Parishioners who attended the pensioners’ party.
Holy Family Lay Associates 
 On February 2nd they are hoping to have Benediction to celebrate Miraculous Benediction and they are inviting Lay Associates from Norris Green to join them.  The Benediction will be open to Parish; date and arrangements to be confirmed (Sr. Monica’s Anniversary 6th February)
Union of Catholic Mothers 
In February UCM will have been established for 3 years.  2 new members were enrolled last year and there is 1 new member already for this year. 
Piety Shops    
 They are running well.  Christmas stock in 3 churches this year, which will be removed in the next week.  Easter and St Patrick cards will be distributed.  A range of cards will be distributed at regular intervals to all shops, e.g. Mass, Sympathy, Get Well, Thank you and Thinking of You.
Guild of St Stephen  
 There are 12 Altar Servers in the town. They will be going to their regular Mass at Westminster on 17th September.
 Preparation sessions have been booked for the whole of year.  99 children were baptised last year.
30 hampers were distributed at Christmas.  The SVP would like to thank St Richards School for toy donations and Digmoor Community Centre for Hamper donations.
Sick and Housebound. 
 Christmas Masses were said in 2 of the nursing homes in the town.  They were not attended by many parishioners but were well attended by people in the homes.
 A further 42 plots have been made in the graveyard for burial of ashes. They are available for immediate use. 
The Parish Council thanked Des Alger and John Gresty for all their hard work both in creating the new plots and for their work in maintaining the graveyard.
Web Site 
Internet is OK, and people are updating web site periodically.
 A parishioner wanted the Parish Council to discuss the poor state of windows in St Mary’s Church.  The parishioner although a pensioner was offering to help financially in some way.
 Idea was suggested that collections could be taken at Sacramental Programme & Baptismal celebrations and the monies used to fund improvements e.g. windows at St Mary’s
A meeting was held in St Josephs Wrightington on Welcoming Refugees.  There is another meeting due to be held in Christ Church Newburgh, which might be of interest to SVP and Justice and Peace Group
 Put dates in Newsletter
 Sound system in St Richard’s is poor; needs bigger or additional speakers?
 The Reconciliation Service for Easter will be on Tuesday 22nd March at St Richard’s
Next meeting Wed 16th March 7.00pm St John Rigbye Centre

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