Parish Life 

Jubilee Year of Mercy 


In his sermon on during a penitential service on March 13th this year, Pope Francis highlighted the themes of love and judgment, saying that Jesus reminds us and “…..urges each of us never to stop at the surface of things, especially when we have a person before us. We are called to look beyond, to focus on the heart in order to see how much generosity everyone is capable of. No one can be excluded from the mercy of God;”
Going on to announce the Jubilee Year of Mercy, the Holy Father said “…I have often thought of how the Church may render more clear her mission to be a witness to mercy; and we have to make this journey. It is a journey which begins with spiritual conversion. Therefore, I have decided to announce an Extraordinary Jubilee, which has at its centre the mercy of God. It will be a Holy Year of Mercy. We want to live in the light of the word of the Lord: ‘Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful’ ”
The year begins on 8th December, the feast of the Immaculate Conception.
For full details of the Holy Father’s announcement and the Vatican’s plan for the year’s celebrations  CLICK HERE

Across our parish and through the year, there will be special celebrations and devotions
to recognize and celebrate the Jubilee. 
Details will be posted on the website and in the Parish Newsletter.
Keep a look out!



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