
Sacraments ofMaundy Thursday 2024 Reconciliation
& First Holy Communion 
for 2024/25 



Sacramental Programme and Form are available here:
First Communion Programme 2024/25

  • Please see the Letter and Form for more details - and the Programme details below.
  • ​Please open the file to print the form.
  • Complete it and hand it into church when you are at Mass.
The Catechists’ team are pleased to announce that our new Sacraments of Reconciliation & First Holy Communion programme for 2024/25 will begin on the weekend of 28th / 29th September 2024.

​The programme is open to all children who will be in Year 4 or above in September and who have been baptised. Please see the Letter and Form for more details.

Children and parents attend one session a month to work on the programme. The sessions are held in church during Mass. After Mass there is a short session for parents. Parents pick one church to attend. Dates will be given at the normal Masses.

The Programme:-

Your commitment
Bring your child to Mass on the dates listed below
Stay behind after Mass for a few minutes to understand the session the children have followed
Afterwards talk to your child and help them fill in their booklet. 

  • September 28/29. Parents, catechists commit to programme 
  • Children look at ‘With you Always and Introduce Treasure Hunt.
  • October 26/27       .   Baptism
  • November 23/24    .   Mass part 1 
  • December 21/22    .   Mass part 2
  • January 25/26       .   Prayer
  • February 22/23      .  Beatitudes
  • March 22/23          .  Reconciliation
  • April 26/27            .  Eucharist
Services in May depending on numbers.
Sacramental Programme

With You Always
Jesus gave us an example of how to live. He faced the problems we face  and he promised he would be with us to help us. He showed love to many people, healing them and supporting them. You need to talk to your child about how they can show love.
Your child will fill in the heart to heart picture.
Church Treasure Hunt
You need to find time to help your child walk around church and find the items listed and talk about them. The Catechist will show them the Holy Oils
The signs on the Easter Candle are Greek, alpha and omega, meaning from the beginning to the end.

Normal Masses each weekend are:
Saturday 5pm  in St Marys
Sunday 9am    in St Richards
Sunday 11am  in St Francis

Please see the Letter and Form for more details.
Sacraments of Reconciliation & First Holy Communion will take place in May 2025. Dates will be announced at the monthly sessions.


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