Parish News 

Lourdes Pilgrimage 2015

10th February, an early start, 6am. At St. Richard’s for our Pilgrimage to Lourdes for the feast on the 11th of February. Flying from Liverpool Airport to Carcassonne with a three hour transfer to Lourdes. All went well, arriving at our Hotel, Croix des Bretons mid afternoon. After unpacking we were able to go to Mass in the Poor Clare’s Convent before dinner. After dinner it was possible to join the torchlight procession. Because of major construction work in the Grotto area we were not able to get close but were able to light candles and get water. Next day, the 11th of February a path had been cleared to allow pilgrims to pass through the Grotto. The international Mass was held in the Pious the tenth Basilica and there was a full house in fact standing room only for the late arrivals. After this we gathered for our group photo.

Lourdes Feb 2015 3

After lunch we did the stations of the cross on what was like a spring afternoon, then later on we went to the Blessed Sacrament procession in the Pious the tenth Basilica. After dinner we were able to go through the grotto, place petitions in the box and then join the torchlight procession.

Today, the 12th of February the walking tour to places associated with Bernadette in the morning, then after lunch we had our excursion to Bartres where we had Mass and veneration of the relic.  

Next morning we had Mass in the St. Joan of Arc Chapel for just our group and then had the rest of the day free.
Today, early start for our uneventful return journey to Skelmersdale to prepare for our next one.

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